Lisa had a sudden shift into peace and freedom when, in 2009 during a silent retreat, she experienced nothing but one benevolent flow of being. She saw her previous identity as a mere collection of thoughts. When those thoughts returned, she questioned them using these techniques, dissolving the ideas of a vulnerable separate self and returning to a stable experience of the one benevolent flow.

Some have asked about her life experiences. As a child, she focused on spiritual growth as a paramount interest. She excelled in school and earned a B.A. in Mathematics and English, then an M.S. in Chemical Engineering and worked for a few Fortune 100 companies. She then earned an MBA and transitioned to product management. She continued graduate studies in divinity and then in psychology. After 12 years, she left the corporate world to study and then teach relationships. She was influenced by teachers like Adyashanti, Byron Katie, A.H. Almaas, Leonard Jacobson, Isaac Shapiro, and Gangaji. Life has carried her through the U.S., Mexico, South America, and Europe as well as Turkey, Israel, and Russia. Finally she studied diagnostic medical ultrasound, which enabled her and her husband to settle in a small coastal town in the hiking paradise of northern California.